princess cyberspace, llc

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Adultr x Princess Cyberspace

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“I have to sadly admit that at first I was skeptical of social media and the platforms that came afterwards, but when you let go and just enjoy it like a b-movie, it doesn’t seem so scary.

The 2017 electro pop song “So Relatable” from Princess Cyberspace, at first gives a wink and nod to this kinda inner circle acceptance, but as you keep listening to the lyrics, it’s more of a mischievous smile while still being able to enter the club without waiting in line.

“The internet is a really cool place. The digital age has allowed artists such as myself who come from the middle of nowhere”, says Princess Cyberspace.

The alias of Guam born, Rhode Island raised Rebecca L’Amore; a musician, model, DJ, content maker, and countless other talents as long as her resume. One of many zeitgeist that have popped up in our post I-Phone and Instagram heart emojis.

Like all good things, it starts with an idea and Rebecca “…came up with the name Princess Cyberspace in Boston after trying acid with a bunch of Berklee College of Music students…It was originally an Instagram handle and domain name I reserved in order to blog about fashion, art, music, and entertainment. I then moved to Los Angeles after David Bowie died”.

It was there, in the sun hazed and vast landscape of L.A. that the character Princess Cyberspace was developed and polished for your viewing and listening needs.

Her album #CYBERPROPAGANDA is coming out soon!

Find more of Princess Cyberspace here:

p.s.- If you wonder who she keeps up with in this heavily saturated content created world, here’s who and what she recommends:

The Hopeless Artist (Atlanta):

Primal Screaming With Friends (Portland):

On A Pink Planet (Meme curator?):

THE END IS NEAR Clothing (London):

All photos courtesy of Princess Cyberspace. Shot by Harry Happy Ramos and Mariya Stangl.”